Category: DUI
Keeping Your Teen Driver Safe
Share January 22, 2021 | Category: Auto, DUIAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 10 teens in high school drinks and drives, and the most recent statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration...
How Drunk Driving in Florida Compares to Other States
Share January 8, 2021 | Category: DUIWhile Florida drivers remain relatively vigilant of drunk driving, the state does experience many drunk driving fatalities each year. A recent ranking published by a national drug testing center ranks...
Five of the Most Dangerous Cities in Florida for Drunk Driving Accidents
Share December 31, 2020 | Category: Auto, DUIBesides being a common tourist destination, Florida is home to an expansive highway system, numerous major city roads, and breathtaking shorelines. As a state that is filled with many party spots and...
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
Share December 18, 2020 | Category: DUIDecember is one of the most dangerous months for driving and has been deemed National Impaired Driving Prevention Month by Presidential proclamation.
What Are My Rights as a Victim of Drunk Driving?
Share November 30, 2020 | Category: DUIDid you know that in Florida, one-fourth of car accidents are caused by drunk drivers? Nearly every day, a Floridian is killed by a preventable drunk driving accident. Although responsible drivers can...
Blood Alcohol Content 0.08 Law is 20 Years Old
Share November 27, 2020 | Category: DUIOn October 22, 2020, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) marked the 20th anniversary of the 0.08 blood alcohol content (BAC) standard in the United States. MADD says this was a historic victory for...
How You Can Prevent Holiday DUI Accidents
Share November 23, 2020 | Category: DUIThanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season, and we at Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.A. would like to remind everyone that even though our gatherings may be smaller and...
What Is the Difference Between Impairment and Intoxication?
Share November 6, 2020 | Category: DUIIs there a difference between impairment and intoxication? A Fort Myers DUI accident lawyer says, “Yes, there is a difference, but both are dangerous when a person considers driving after...
Dealing With Trauma After a Drunk Driving Accident
Share October 30, 2020 | Category: Blog, DUIA drunk driving accident can be an incredibly emotional and traumatic experience. Aside from facing various physical injuries and extensive damage to your car, the emotional scars left on victims of...
Child Endangerment When Driving Impaired
Share October 23, 2020 | Category: DUIA Fort Myers car accident lawyer says drivers have a responsibility to protect young passengers. If drivers decide to drive while impaired, they are potentially committing child endangerment.