Archive: 2015
Christmas and New Year’s Bring Increased DUI Risks
Share December 21, 2015 | Category: Auto, Blog, DUIThe holiday season should be a time for festive celebrations and spending time with loved ones. Unfortunately, lives can change in an instant and holiday cheer can be destroyed when a motor vehicle...
How To Be A Responsible Holiday Party Host
Share December 9, 2015 | Category: Auto, Blog, DUIThousands of Americans die or are injured each year by drunk drivers. We at Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.A. frequently see the results of these accidents. They are devastating. In...
Bars & Restaurants Have Some Liability for Drunk-Driving Holiday Accidents
Share December 2, 2015 | Category: Blog, DUIDining out is a part of most holiday festivities. It is a time to socialize with friends and family. Many people in the United States are injured or killed following accidents with drunk drivers who...
Make Thanksgiving Happy and Safe
Share November 30, 2015 | Category: Auto, Blog, DUINearly 40 million motorists will be travelling over the long Thanksgiving weekend to spend time with family and friends. In fact, the Thanksgiving weekend is the most travelled holiday period of the...
Can Restaurants and Bars Be Sued for Injuries Related to Alcohol?
Share November 18, 2015 | Category: Auto, Blog, DUIOn January 1, 2014, a 22-year-old young man drove his vehicle into a canal after a night of drinking at a downtown bar. The young man drove over a deteriorating bulkhead at a ferry landing and plunged...
Teen DUI's - A Sobering Reality
Share November 16, 2015 | Category: Blog, DUIEven though it is against the law in most states in the U.S., teens and young people under 21 years of age still admit to consuming alcohol, and many of these drive. A 2014 survey in Windsor Locks,...
New Details Surface of Driver Who Smashed Truck into Cape Coral Pool Hall
Share November 10, 2015 | Category: Blog, TruckOn September 18, 2015 Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys P.A. filed a wrongful death civil action on behalf of the widow of Ronald Gravel, the victim of the July 20, 2015 DUI pool hall...
Police Using Social Media to Catch Drunk Drivers
Share November 2, 2015 | Category: Blog, DUIPolice Using Social Media to Catch Drunk Drivers - A local woman is lucky to be alive, according to Lakeland, Florida police, after going on a drunk driving trip she recorded and broadcast live on...
Football Season and DUI Risks
Share October 30, 2015 | Category: Auto, BlogFootball season is underway, which means that there are added risks of car accidents for motorists who are out on game days. ABC News reported on a troubling study conducted by researchers from the...
Make Halloween Safety A Priority
Share October 28, 2015 | Category: Blog, PedestrianHalloween is an exciting time when most children and teens are thinking about costumes, parties, and how much candy they will get. Adults may also be excited about the parties they will attend;...